College Social Magazine

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Friendship Goals and the Social Responsibilities After College Graduation

college graduation

College is the third official part of the education system. This is the place where the students mate new ones coming from different areas of the country. Some are there who come from various countries as well. Doing higher education is tough, right? There the friendship goals enter. Friendship is the purest thing that one can not achieve by money or something else. It is the place where anyone can share anything which may not be possible to share with parents or some other person as well. College graduation is one of the tough situations in terms of education as well as friendship. Before that, let’s go to the flashback and see how the friendship maintains in the college.

Flashback of friendships in college graduation time

Friendship in college is a very common thing at the same time; it all depends on luck. How it depends on luck. In general, how friends become. Well, the friend becomes according to the departments or due to such activity as cricket or football or volleyball, basketball and some other games. 

Departmental friends are mainly present in colleges. Well, if one sees, then it is very clearly observable that the college friendship includes all the emotions of us. Like happiness, supportiveness in case someone is sorry, angriness and maturity, the ultimate one. On the other hand, it can be said that this kind of friendship is one of the best college graduation gifts

Learn with others

Learning is the main motive of any educational organization. Therefore the college’s are there as well. Now students in the college coming from different backgrounds have different ideas about the education system. Now learning is a thing that develops by sharing. So there are many who don’t have a basic idea about the subject that their student is learning. 

But at the same time, they want their students to learn whatever they want. That time group learning with friends becomes a very positive point. Here the learning and fun both happen.

Great support to all 

After completing schooling when a student enters the college graduation course, a simple and very observable maturity comes into the students. It is very observable that students are helping each other rather than doing the shits again what they had done in the schools. 

Also, it is observable that people get help in emergencies, mostly from college students. It is because of their warm red blood corpuscles. They know that friendship is not all about the same age. Good behaviour can make anyone a friend. This seems funny, but at the same time, one can observe that students of the college always become together during the exam preparations. It also creates a memory of friendships and strengthens the bonding.

Lucky friendships

Now the “lucky” word makes sense here. The students are there who mostly don’t have the idea of how to make a friend. Who is good for him or who is bad. There is no special theory to make a friend.

A good friend is the one who is always with you and at the same time, gives you the right direction to one’s future. Now finding these types of friends is very hard. That is why the lucky word is used. Whoever goes, these friends are so lucky. Because they are the one who gives extra support after the parents.

Social responsibilities of a person

The word social is very crucial in life. People are liable to maintain social responsibility. Now the question is, what are they and when they come? Well, there are uncountable responsibilities of a person in terms of social responsibility. 

But the main fact is to behave well, respect others, be a helping hand to others, and most important an educated citizen. This all comes in college life. The education system and the different area’s friends help to build the mentality of how to make yourself a good citizen.

Getting a job or going for further study after college graduation

This is the case that comes mostly after graduation. This is a tough situation. Because here the end comes of college-level friendships. All get retouched due to their jobs and other perspectives. 

The memories come to mind all the time, and everybody wants to be in that situation again and again. But it is also important to be in the jobs. So everybody is back to their areas of work. But the memories attract each moment. That is how the friendship continues and when the meeting happens in a group the most beautiful and enjoyable moments occur. The same way it can also be said that it is one of the best college graduation gifts.

The entrance of social media in friendships after college graduation

Friendship is the pure thing we all know. Now regarding maintaining a friendship after college is how much tough that is also known to all. Mark Zuckerberg was the one who had faced this problem. So he was supposed to invent a platform where the friends can be connected after the college times. This is the reason behind the invention of Facebook. Now Facebook is a brand that covers more than 3 to 4 big social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and others through which people are connected to each other.


The students mostly get their friends through some purpose. After certain times they get emotionally connected. Now there can be lifetime friends, or there can be a friend who will lead his or her life with the other. 

Love and emotions are a fundamental part of it. Whatever one is doing whether he is in a good position in their job or in a higher study, finding a job should always be helpful to others. It is recommended to keep the friendship always, such as they were before during college graduation.

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